Once upon a time, this was strictly a political blog. However, I am more than a political person, so it’s time for a change. (If you’re interested, my previous blog can be found here.)
The most important part of my life is family. My sons, my daughters-in-law, my grandchildren all have primacy in my life. I have siblings, in-laws, a niece, nephews, cousins, a stepson and step-daughter-in-law, and step-grandchildren who have a place in my heart.
And I have friends, some of whom I’ve never met, others whom I’ve met in person only briefly, others I’ve known for years and years, and yet others who populate my life today. I treasure each one of them.
Politically, I’m a die-hard Progressive and I’ll continue to write about that, too.
But it’s time to expand my horizons. I invite you along on my journey.